Borodin Sym No 2 in b

Alexander Borodin was the natural son of a caucasian nobleman. He was given the name of one of his father's serfs and brought up by his mother who instilled in him, love of music and science. He became a Doctor and acquired a lifelong interest in experimental chemistry, which he pursued along with his music. His main works are the operas Prince Igor, The Tsar's Bride three symphonies, some chamber music and songs.

The second symphony in b minor was very nearly never performed at all. It was begun before Prince Igor, and completed much later, finally appearing on the program of the Music Society of St. Petersburg in January of 1876. Just before the performance date, it was discovered that the manuscript of the first and last movements had been lost. Borodin, who was confined to bed at the time due to illness, rewrote the score of the two missing movements from memory. It was finally performed in March of 1877.

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Borodin: Symphony No.2/In The Steppes Of Central Asia/Prince IgorSymphony No. 2 in B Minor in Full ScoreBorodin: Symphonies Nos. 1-3

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